Ünlü Tablolarda Resmedilenler Kediler Olsaydı Nasıl Olurdu?

Evet ünlü ressamların tabloları orijinal halleriyle mükemmeller. Fakat kedili hallerini görünce de “Ay ne minnoş olmuşlar!” demeden edemiyorum.

Sanatçı Melinda Copper tam bir hayvansever. Ünlü tabloları kedilerle ve başka hayvanlarla yeniden yorumlayıp çiziyor ve ortaya bu eserler çıkıyor <3

#1. La Grande Odalisque by Ingres

jean_auguste_dominique_ingres_la_grande_odalisque_1814  tashanew

#2. Rosebud Madame Riviere by Ingres

awmadameriviere3  roseblack

#3. Charles I At the Hunt by Anthony van Dyck

300px-charles_i_of_england_-_van_dyck  widgetinboots

#4. Louis Francois Bertin by Ingres

dfccfa19b1a4aad6f2a1ed6953703315  oskar

#5. Portrait of a Boy by Rembrandt 

d-images-f19652p  muffin

#6. Mona Lisa by Da Vinci

mona_lisa_by_leonardo_da_vinci_from_c2rmf_retouched  monapeaches

#7. Work Interrupted by Bouguereau

work-interrupted-1891-jpglarge  mewsings

#8. Lady With a Squirrel And a Starling by Hans Holbein

415px-lady_with_a_squirrel  mary_

#9. Lady Mary Guildford by Hans Holbein

455px-mary_lady_guildford_by_hans_holbein_the_younger  jazz_

#10. Musician Angel With a Lute by Fiorentino

717px-rosso_fiorentino_-_musician_angel_-_wga20116  heavenlymusic

#11. La Velata by Raphael


#12. Self Portrait by Durer

self-26  gizdurer

#13. Woman in a Turkish Costume by Carriera

1730-40-rosalba-carriera-venitian-artist-1675-1757-felicita-sartori-in-turkish-costume  frannie

#14. Bacchus by Caravaggio


#15. Cherbus by Raphael

1024px-sanzio_raffaello_-_putti_madonna_sistina_-_1512-1513  cherubkittens400

#16. Flora by Titian


#17. The Bather of Valpincon by Ingres 


#18. Anne of Cleves by Hans Holbein

12388-portrait-of-anne-of-cleves-hans-the-younger-holbein  mouse_of_cleaves

#19. Henry VIII by Hans Holbein


#20. Birth of Venus by Botticelli

Daha fazlası: http://www.melindacopper.net/